By Tammy Malewski, Marketing and Fund Development Director, Valley VNA
Seniors are the fastest growing internet and social media users today. They typically use it to reconnect with people from their past, bridge generational gaps, and find online support for people living with chronic diseases. Their children, grandchildren, and caregivers have unlimited access to advice and information on how to help their loved ones age safely and gracefully. This week is National Assisted Living Week, and the theme is “Keep Connected.”
At the same time, in a world where it’s easy to get lost in our screens and devices, the personal connections our staff and volunteers form with our residents are unbreakable. Those we care for truly become family. What’s fascinating is how many of them have made significant contributions to our communities and our country as nurturing parents, military heroes, entrepreneurs, public servants, and more. Every day we learn from their personal stories and unique personalities.
Staying connected means uncovering opportunities for joy and support in our lives and sharing that insight with others. And who doesn’t get a thrill out of an unexpected letter delivered via the good old U.S. Postal Service? This week staff and residents gathered to write traditional paper-and-pen cards and letters to people they love. That’s wisdom that can really only come from the generations before us!
During National Assisted Living Week, everyone at Valley VNA has a chance to pause and thank our residents and their families for enriching our lives. Being connected to you makes our lives richer and more meaningful. Thank you for inviting us to be part of your family.
To get connected with our team at Valley VNA, please call (920) 727-5555.