Staff Nurses and Hospice Care in Assisted Living By Erin Kaskavitch, R.N., Clinical Consultant at Valley VNA Senior Care I came to Valley VNA last year from a prior position…
Isolation & Loneliness is Unhealthy for Seniors Joelin Mueller, Life Enrichment Assistant Everyone likes quiet time alone for a refreshing nap, a good book, or a cup of coffee. After…
Meet Jenna Weber, Certified Geriatric Pharmacist, Morton LTC Assisted living and skilled nursing homes rely on daily or twice-daily deliveries of prescriptions for their residents. The medications arrive pre-portioned from…
A Message of Love and Empathy for Caregivers By Candice Freese, Valley VNA Wellness Coordinator February is well known in the medical community as Heart Month, a time when people…
By Colleen Harvot, Director of In-Home Care, Valley VNA Senior Services The core mission of Valley VNA is to help keep seniors happy and healthy in their homes, whether their…
By Julia Ryan, Valley VNA Food Service Coordinator Valley VNA has its share of active gardeners. Many of our residents had large family gardens from which they harvested and preserved…