Isolation & Loneliness is Unhealthy for Seniors
Joelin Mueller, Life Enrichment Assistant
Everyone likes quiet time alone for a refreshing nap, a good book, or a cup of coffee. After a lifetime of work and family responsibilities, many seniors find this new stage of their lives to be liberating—a new era of relaxation. However, there is a big difference between the choice to spend time alone and feeling lonely. When an older person feels lonely, it’s usually because he or she does not have the option of spending time with other people due to dwindling social circles, poor health, loss of a spouse, or transportation obstacles. For seniors in particular, this isolation can be a genuine threat to health and overall wellness. Consider these facts:
Scholars have researched the American phenomenon of seniors who adamantly express their desire to “age in place;” that is, grow old in their homes, often alone. Up to 98 percent of older Americans aspire to this lifestyle, despite centuries of human history where the elderly are well integrated into larger social groups, be they families, cross-generational housing, or senior-focused communities. What are the reasons for this expressed wish to grow old in isolation? From old-fashioned American individualism to anxiety over change, seniors who are isolated often deprive themselves of an important time in their lives when they can feel better, care for themselves as they deserve, and continue to help others. Consider these findings:
Better health, meaningful relationships, and peaceful hearts. Choosing to stay connected with other people as we grow older is a choice for a longer, happier life. To assess your level of isolation, or that of someone you love, use this online tool. Then make a move toward better wellness!